“Beşiktaş is my everything”

Wednesday, April 11

“Beşiktaş is my everything”

Süreyya the Kitman from the section “National Documentary Competition” was screened at Pera Museum Auditorium with the participation of the director Gökçe Kaan Demirkıran, participants of the film Vedat Özdemiroğlu and Metin Tekin, and the kit manager of Beşiktaş’s football team, Süreyya Tekin, who became the inspiration for this film. Demirkan said that the film took six years to complete and added: “Everyone knows Süreyya. I’m surprised that no film had ever been made before about him. That’s why I went and found him. He also has experience in Turkish Cinema. I was already making documentary films about urban culture and urban sociology, so I made this film.” Süreyya Soner also commented: “Beşiktaş is my everything. When I saw the film, I wondered if I was really watching myself. When we first began the documentary, we were three people. I was shocked to see it turned out this way.”

Photo: Benek Özmez
