Sneaking into Homes and Lives…

Thursday, April 12

Scaffolding from “Young Masters” was screened at Cinemaximum Zorlu Center, with the participation of the director Matan Yair and the lead actor Asher Lax. The film discusses the concepts of education, masculinity and family through a teacher and his troubled student. The director Yair made the film by looking at his own teaching experience, and the actor Asher Lax is one of his real-life students. After the screening, Yair and Lax listened to the audience’s comments and answered the questions. Yair said: “Asher and his family were putting up scaffolding at construction sites just like in the film. When we were walking inside the buildings I turned to him and asked ‘You don’t sneak into these homes? Aren’t you curious to know what kinds of lives they’re leading?’ to which he replied: ‘Impossible. It’s against the law, against the rules. We would never do that’. So I wrote the screenplay based on this. (…) Death is one of the most difficult things that one encounters in life. I was also going through a bad time in my life when I wrote it. So I said to myself: ‘Whose death would devastate you most?’ Most of us go to school but what happens to students when the school is finished, what happens to teachers? Do they leave any marks? Only something so dramatic leaves its mark on the student.”

Photo: Elif Gökçe
