Ülkü Erakalın is one of the exceptional talents of our cinema. I have met him in December 1963. It was right around the time when I had just completed starring in my first film Young Girls. He called me on the phone and stated that he wanted to work with me in his upcoming film Mualla, starring Türkan Şoray which he was going to direct in January 1964. He told me that I had to improve my acting in time, and also stated the importance of images in cinema as a visual art form. The veteran actors–dear Türkan Şoray, Suzan Avcı, Aliye Rona, Kenan Pars, and Avni Dilligil–whom I co-starred with in that film, have embraced me with loving, open arms. It is impossible for me to forget the friendship Mr. Erakalın showed me. The genial affection that I received on that set is instrumental in my continuing in this special profession. We collaborated in many films in the following years. He is a very meticulous director. He arrives on the set before everyone else. He outlines the scenes, determines the angles, shares his ideas and feelings about the scene with actors and then starts the shoot. He pays attention to everyone individually and follows the scenes as he also acts out behind the camera. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single film I worked on with him. I wish him health and further success in his life. Dear Ülkü, so glad to have you! As cinema artists, we thank you for the love and loyalty you bestowed upon us, and those unforgettable films you gave to Turkish audiences. Stay with love! -Ediz Hun