It’s really impossible to remember when we met with Uncle Apo and traveled those roads, shared the same friendly tables together. To have someone like him in your life... it’s impossible to explain. That’s why I always considered myself lucky. As Yeşilçam is a family home for us, Uncle Apo is an elder brother of that family. He doesn’t tolerate any one of his brothers being hassled or exploited. Let’s say someone from the industry starts shooting a film and for whatever reason the production is halted or having difficulties to even start. It’s enough to knock on Uncle Apo’s door and look him in the eyes. He quietly asks as if sharing a secret: “Brother, tell me whatever you need. We’ll do the best we can...” All it takes is that he sees the human in you and recognizes the Y of Yeşilçam in your heart. In our sector there have always been unseen heroes when it comes to establishing a union or an association. Uncle Apo is always one of the first to say “I know very well what labor struggle is. Know that I’m with you all the way.” And he would quietly disappear. He doesn’t need flattery, hyperbole or applause. He says “Let’s go brother!” and you’ll find yourself sitting on a nicely prepared table. He tells never-ending yarns, all of which are true! He never gets enough of talking about Yaşar Kemal, Orhan Kemal, Yılmaz Güney. At his tables, centuries just flow by. He keeps telling about the Anavarza Castle, Snake Mountain, Dadaloğlu, his hero Karacaoğlan... He knows his words and songs by heart. He talks about the elegies he heard when he was a child, the horses his father shoed. He always says the best last words: “Friends, let’s not lose our hope. Wait and see what the new day will bring...” Whenever he gets his hands on a good hot pepper he manages to send it to me: “Here brother, this one is mighty hot”. We empty our pockets and share our pain. It’s good to share it with your uncle.