2022 Oscar shortlists are revealed. "The Criminals" by Serhat Karaaslan, which won the Best Short Film Award at the 40th Istanbul Film Festival was announced in the Live Action Short Film shortlist. Nominees include titles screened at Filmekimi, Istanbul Film Festival and İKSV Galas. The full list of nominees will be announced on 8 February, the Oscars ceremony is on 27 March 2022.

Here are the titles that are on the Oscars shortlists and were screened at İKSV events:

Live Action Short
“Suçlular / The Criminals” (Serhat Karaaslan)

Best Documentary
“Writing with Fire” (Rintu Thomas)
“Summer of Soul (…Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)” (Quest Love)

Best International Film
“Great Freedom” (Sebastian Meise)
“Compartment No. 6” (Juho Kuosmanen)
“I’m Your Man” (Maria Schrader)
“Lamb” (Valdimar Jóhannsson)
“A Hero” (Asghar Farhadi)
“The Hand of God” (Paolo Sorrentino)
“Drive My Car” (Ryusuke Hamaguchi)
“The Worst Person in the World” (Joachim Trier)

Make-Up & Hair

Visual Effects

“Last Night in Soho”
“The Power of the Dog”

Original Score
“Dune” (Hans Zimmer)
“The French Dispatch” (Alexandre Desplat)
“The Power of the Dog” (Jonny Greenwood)
