The documentary The Man from the North, which tells the life story of the actor Kadir İnanır, will not be screened at the 43rd Istanbul Film Festival. We convey the message of the director Hüseyin Karabey:
"We wanted to finalise the documentary, which has been in production for 13 years, with the participation of Mr. İnanır. However, health issues, despite waiting until the last moment, did not allow us to do so; this situation also brought along some technical problems. Therefore, we have decided to postpone the screening of the film. We eagerly await the film to meet the audience as soon as possible. On behalf of the film crew and Kadir İnanır, I wanted to convey this message to you. Thank you for your understanding."
Instead of The Man from the North, Firebrand will be screened at Cinewam City's 7 on Thursday, 18 April at 19.00, and My Favourite Cake will be screened at Sinematek / Sinema Evi on Saturday, 27 April at 21.30.
Ticket-holders for the film will receive SMS notifications regarding refund procedures.